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A group of marginalized communities meet in 2020 and collectively dissatisfied around the stigma, lack of resources and generalized poor state of mental health awareness and complete lack of services in Indonesia. Everyone representing a community or registered foundation of marginalized persons often stigmatized, discriminated against, and facing issues of mental health.
The now Bali Bersama Bisa team decided to unite together and change the future of mental health in Indonesia! Through a clear plan, hard work and the team coming together, step by step they have been able to put together BISA, Indonesia’s only suicide prevention hotline and the Bali Bersama Bisa Mental Health Care Facility that now provides assessments, support groups, counseling, psychological care, psychiatry and an outpatient program free of charge for the general public.

Organizations inside of Bali Bersama Bisa

Movement of Recovery
Providing support for alcohol and narcotic addicts

Yayasan Teman Baik Nusantara
Providing mental health education and support

Yayasan Spirit Paramacitta
Raising awareness and providing supports for people with HIV and AIDS

Yayasan Gaya Dewata
Platform for transwomen of Yayasan Gaya Dewata

Yayasan Telaga Teratai Indonesia
Providing a platform for visually impaired people to engage in arts and sports related activities

Yayasan Pulih Bipolar Bali
Raising awareness and providing suppourt for people with Bi-Polar disorder

Simpul Bali
Raising awareness and providing support for people with Schizophrenia

Love and Strong Women
Providing supports for cancer survivors

Creative Hub for people with physical disabilities

Crisis Kitchen Bali
Providing food relief for people in need in Bali
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