Bali Bersama Bisa offers confidential, professional mental health services for all aspects of mental health. BBB is a registered foundation working as a collective of local NGOs with a team of professionals, volunteers, advisors, and companies (donors) collectively providing everyone access to mental health services!

Bali Bersama Bisa Mental Healthcare
Operational Hours / Services Available:
Monday - Friday
9am – 5pm
Jl. I Wayan Gentuh X No.8, Br. Kwanji, Dalung,
Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
Whatsapp: +6282266407340
Email: info@balibersamabisa.org
BISA aims to provide an Indonesia-wide mental/emotional crisis support network free of discrimination, and inclusive to all in need of help, in both Indonesian and Non-Indonesian. Our vision is to contribute to a tomorrow where mental health is de-stigmatized and emotional/mental health is embraced as an opportunity for healing, growth, and loving connection.
Bali Bersama Bisa works directly with Bali Mental Health clinic in providing professional psychological counseling sessions for those in need. All services are subsidized through Bali Bersama Bisa to provide free treatments to everyone in need of mental health assistance.
All people needing assistance are evaluated by a trained medical professional to provide unique and individually created treatment plans.
Bali Bersama Bisa is a 10 NGO collective with areas of expertise across the mental health spectrum including physical disabilities and the mental health associated with addiction, HIV positive, Cancer Diagnosis and/or those receiving treatments, bipolar, schizophrenia, transgenderism or other general mental health disorders. The collective offer general mental health support groups and well is specialized groups.
Bali Bersama Bisa is committed to supporting our clients' health and well-being by providing free medication to those in need who access utilise our services regularly. This initiative aims to maximize the recovery process and ensure that everyone has access to the necessary treatments for a healthier, happier life.
Intensive 28-day program that provides in-depth counseling, support groups, holistic wellness, psychological treatments, cognitive behavior therapy, vocational and empowerment programs for those in need of such services.
The Bali Bersama Bisa team has male and female licensed counselors to facilitate the outpatient programs, provide 1 on 1 counseling sessions and give the necessary treatment plans for those in need.
For those needing the most qualified mental health professionals and medicinal treatments for their disorders, Bali Bersama Bisa provides patients with Psychiatric care and medical/medicine support.
BBB have many collaborations with existing NGO Services here in Bali catering to hospitality, permaculture, environmental impact, animal care, and more..Vocational placement will be part of the Out-Patient Program 1 day per week, helping clients successfully reintegration into the workforce and society by providing practical job training opportunities for skill development
Food Relief Services aim to provide continuous support and food relief to clients in our outpatient program. Additionally, it will allow us to conduct assessments for food relief to the general public, providing valuable mental health data and statistics on the well-being of our Bali society. Bersama Bisa Foundation, in collaboration with Crisis Kitchen Bali, has successfully provided this service during the Covid pandemic. We have found that distributing food is an effective way to reach our communities and accurately assess the needs of individuals and families.